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For this project, I chose to start with the number 9 because it is my favorite number. I started in Adobe Illustrator and then moved to Photoshop.


For my initial design, I decided to connect one 9 to another by connecting the ends. This creates a fluid line from one number to the other. I completed this step in Illustrator.


Next, I copied and pasted the two 9s and started connecting them with one another. I repeated this process until the page was full, creating the pattern in the second image.


I then moved the project to Photoshop in order to add color. I like the color maroon, especially when combined with gray and black. These are the colors I chose to incorporate into the design, seen in the third and fourth images.


The original design extended past the margins of my template on Photoshop, but the color changes only affected the design within the margins. When I moved the whole design to the left, part of the design was colored and the other part was in black in white. The fifth image depicts this. 


Finally, I rotated the whole design to make the colored section an angle. This created the sixth image and my final design.  

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