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Farmer Bob's Counting Farm will be a 9"x7" hardcover children's book. The book teaches children how to count using various farm animals.

I decided to choose a farm theme for my children's counting book. I have a love for all animals, but as a vegetarian, I find that farm animals have a soft spot in my heart. Additionally, I feel that a farm theme is simple for younger children to understand. I also chose the title, Farmer Bob's Counting Farm because it is simple.

I have created my entire design in Photoshop so far, but I plan on working with Illustrator as well. I first searched "farm scene clip art" for inspiration for the cover. I enjoyed the common theme of the rolling green hills with a blue sky and red barn. So, I incorporated it into my design. I used the brush tool to create the sky, hills, and and dirt path.

Then, I searched "farmer clip art", "barn clip art", and "farm animal clip art" for the other aspects of the cover. I found images that I liked and incorporated them into my design, sizing them differently to make sure they matched the perspective of the foreground and background. 

For the title, I searched for children's book fonts and found "Who Tells Your Story", "Bubblegum", and "Asparagus Sprouts". I liked the look of "Asparagus Sprouts" best and used it for the title, using white and the text color. I then duplicated the text layer and darkened the color of the second layer and placed it behind the first one, creating a shadow/3D effect. This created my first draft of the final cover, seen in the third image.

After sharing my design with the class, I decided to change and add some things. First, I added the sun in the corner with the smiley face so the sky was not so empty. Then, I realized that the title might be difficult to read from far away and changed the coloring. I also darkened the blue of the sky so the title would "pop" more. Additionally, I moved some of the objects away from the edges (the title, the barn, and the sheep) in order to avoid them being cut off in printing and binding. 

In the next few weeks, I will be designing more pages of the book with varied numbers of farm animals and text to go with them. 


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